Here are some examples of John Degay's rennovations of some old Zemaitis Guitars:
This old Zemaitis belongs to Brian Cullen - Tony Zemaitis' brother-in-law. In 1960 Tony gave it to Brian - as a 6-string. Tony later converted it to a 12-string for Brian. Time took its toll and it became in dire need of repair. A few years ago Brian commissioned John to undertake a complete renovation and to re-instate it to a 6-string. Here it is in bits!
The finished article - carefully restored to keep the aging but once again, a great playing and sounding guitar.
Click here or on the guitar to see a larger image
This is one of the oldest surviving Zemaitis Guitars - a 1959 Zemaitis 12-string. It had been in the owner's attic for many years and needed total refurbishment. Here's the front being clamped back on. |
Here's the back, side and neck beforehand. |
John Degay with this historic guitar.
John Wrote an article about this project for the Z-Gazette (the Official Zemaitis Guitar Owners Club magazine). Read the article...
In addition to Zemaitis Guitar renovations John Degay has carried out many other guitar repairs and refurbishment projects: |
This is an old Tatay guitar pre-renovation
This is the Tatay guitar post-renovation
Click here or on the guitar to see a larger image
If you would like to discuss getting your guitar repaired - from full renovations to minor repairs and set-ups please contact John